Saturday, October 27, 2007

RV Living

Well i figured after almost a year of living in my Toyhauler RV i would start to jot down some of my adventures.

It all started in 2005 when i sold my computer business and went to work doing Hurricane cleanup in Texas, then Miami and finally New Orleans. Talk about interesting work! Other than having to live like an animal most of the time (generator power, sporatic water to clean with, and setting up in parking lots wasnt exactly glamorous.)
After the Levys were rebuilt in NewOrleans, I pulled my RV out to Las Vegas, And 6 months later up to Michigan where I worked for an RV park. April of 2007 I moved to Batesville Indiana and started working for Thousand Trails and living on the property. What a job this has turned out to be. Its like a never ending vacation. Great people, great place, new friends every week, it couldnt get much better.